- What is acupuncture?
- How does acupuncture work?
- What can acupuncture treat?
- Can Western Medicine and Chinese herbs be combined?
- Does acupuncture hurt?
- Is acupuncture safe during pregnancy?
- How do people respond to acupuncture?
- How many treatment and how often will patient need acupuncture?
- Is there anything patient need to prepare before acupuncture?
- What should I expect during acupuncture treatment?
- How do people respond to acupuncture?
- What is acupuncture face lift?
- Is there proof that acupuncture treats pain effectively?
- Can acupuncture help me quit smoking?
- Is acupuncture safe for children?
- Do you accept Insurance?
- Do you accept credit cards?
- What do the initials “O.M.D.” and D.A.O.M.” stand for ?
- What is acupuncture? Acupuncture is an effective form of medical therapy originated and developed in China since over 3000 years ago. Acupuncture has evolved into a complete holistic health care system. It stimulate the specific "acu-points" on the surface of the body by inserting very thin disposable needles. It is a practice that promotes natural healing. It can enhance recuperative power and immunity. It supports physical and emotional health, and well-being. It is a safe, painless and effective way to treat wide variety of medical problems.
- How does acupuncture work? Since the 1970′s, when acupuncture and Oriental medicine first became available in the United States, more than 15 million Americans have tried it. The risk of side effects is very low and mild but the potential benefits are high. The general theory of acupuncture is that “acu-points” found at specific locations on the surface of the body and formed a network of “channels” or “meridians”. This network connects every organ and part of the body, providing balance, regulation and coordination of physiological processes. — Pain and ill-health result when the flow of Qi- vital energy (pronounced “chee”) through the body is disrupted or blocked by many things, including disease, pathogens, trauma/injuries and drugs (side-effects), as well as lifestyle factors such as smoking, poor diet, emotions, lack of sleep and stress. Acupuncture helps to restore sufficient, continuous and even flow of Qi ,blood circulation and other nutrients throughout the body, thereby restoring health and coordination of physiological processes to the body, while relieving pain and other symptoms. Modern research evidences show that acupuncture influence the central and peripheral nervous system. It releases the endorphins from the brain which makes acupuncture particularly effective in pain control. It affects sugar, cholesterol, triglyceride levels, actives of the endocrine and immune system. Acupuncture allows the body to heal itself more quickly and completely.
- What can acupuncture treat? Acupuncture is recognized by the National Institute of Health (NIH) and the World Health Organization to be effective in the treatment of : Addiction, Anxiety, Arthritis, Asthma, Bronchitis, Carpel Tunnel Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue, Colitis, Common Cold, Constipation, Dental Pain, Depression, Digestion Trouble, Dizziness, Dysentery, Emotional Problems, Eye Problems, Facial Palsy, Fatigue, Fertility, Fibromyalgia, Gingivitis, Headaches, Incontinence, Indigestion, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Low Back Pain, Menopause, Morning Sickness, Osteoarthritis, Pain, PMS, Pneumonia, Reproductive Problems, Rhinitis, Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), Shoulder Pain, Sinusitis, Sleep Disturbances, Smoking Cessation, Sore Throat, Stress, Tooth Pain, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Urinary Tract Infections, Vomiting, Wrist Pain. In our 37 medical practice, we treat much more diseases then above mentioned. Please call us to find out is acupuncture can help your healing.
- Can Western Medicine and Chinese Herbs be combined ? In our practice, we use none toxic herbs and nutrition supplement to help some patients' healing after carefully evaluating patients' conditions. Usually, they can take their western medicine and herbal or nutrition supplement together in the same time. They shouldn't stop prescribed medication when taking herbs or nutrition suppliment. If they have severe diseases, take blood thinner or other medication, they should ask their medical doctor before take any herbs or nutrition suppliment.
- Does Acupuncture Hurt? Acupuncture needles are five times thinner than regular injection needles. You only feel a mild prick during the initial insertion. After the needle is inserted, you may feel nothing but sometimes there could be a slight soreness or heaviness as if hitting a blockage point on the meridian. Most people find the experience very relaxing, and even drifts into a nap during the treatment.
- Is acupuncture safe during pregnancy? Acupuncture is safe to use while you are pregnant and can be helpful throughout the pregnancy. Acupuncture can calm morning sickness, treat insomnia, edema, sciatica, and many of the other discomforts associated with pregnancy. However, there are some acupuncture points on the abdominal region that should be avoided. Our clinic prioritizes safety for our patients and has an outstanding record. In addition, acupuncture is drug-free so the patients avoid the risk of any side effects.
- How do people respond to acupuncture? Most patients feel progressively better after each treatment. For some patients, the symptoms may seem to get worse before getting better. This “healing crisis” is best explained as a cleansing reaction. Usually, it will pass in a short time, no more than 5 days. The reason for the healing crisis can be understood as the struggle of the life force (Qi) with the pathogenic factor. Patients may feel heightened sensitivity to the symptoms before feeling relief. Patients should not panic when this phenomenon happens. Patients should report it to the practitioner and follow the practitioner’s instruction.
- How many treatment and how often will patient need acupuncture? It depends on the severity and duration of the problem as well as the patient’s constitutions. The number of treatment s varies from person to person. Some patients experience immediate relief after the first treatment, others may take few sessions to see results. A chronic condition usually takes longer time for healing than acute problem. I suggest to plan on a minimum of one month time to see significant changes. In my practice, most patients experience improvement in a very short time; however, I tell patients with chronic conditions that it may take months to be fully healed.
- Is there anything patient need to prepare before acupuncture? If you have pace maker please,other medical conditions or pregnant, tell the practitioners. They will give you special consideration of treatment. .If you are too hungry or thirsty, eat some thing before the acupuncture..
- What should I expect during acupuncture treatment? Where the acupuncture needles have been inserted, you may experience a vague numbness, heaviness, or tingling. Sometimes people experience a sensation of energy spreading and moving around the needles or further areas. This is called the "Qi sensation". All these reasons are good and signs that the treatment is working. After treatment, you may feel energized or may experience a deep sense of relaxation and well-being.
- How do people respond to acupuncture?
Most patients feel progressively better after each treatment. For some patients, the symptoms may seem to get worse temporally before getting better .This “healing crisis” is best explained as a cleansing reaction. Usually, it will pass in a short time; no more than 5 days. The reason for the healing crisis can be understood as the struggle of the life force (correct Qi) with the pathogenic factor. Patients may feel heightened sensitivity to the symptoms before feeling relief. Patients should not panic when this phenomenon happens, report it to the acupuncturist and follow their instruction.
- What is acupuncture face lift? Before using drug or surgery to improve skin appearance, consider acupuncture face lift. It is a safe, effective, natural, and drug-free alternative that is painless, and risk-free. A facial rejuvenation using acupuncture improves overall skin and muscle tone while enhancing and increasing the elasticity of skin. Acupuncture can reduce signs of aging by strengthening and stimulating the circulation of Qi within the meridian pathways, especially those of the face. You will look and feel more energetic, brightening, vibrant, less wrinkle and aging spots . Acupuncture treatments may be combined with herbal and nutrition supplements, massage and diet in order to maximize results.
- Is there proof that acupuncture treats pain effectively? In a series of experiments, doctors reported at the 85th annual meeting of the Radio Society of North America that the proper placement of the fine acupuncture needle in the areas called the L14 point or L4 allowed the subjects to tolerate great amounts of pain when sticking an acupuncture needle into a point in the hand. It can greatly diminish amounts of brain activity associated with pain impulses and pictures of the brain before acupuncture treatment, shows dramatic decreases up to 70% of the brain activity.
- Can acupuncture help me quit smoking? By DETOXIFYING the nicotine in your body. So, unlike the nicotine patch, nicotine is being taken out of your body instead of being put back in. Using acupuncture to stop smoking helps you RELAX because your brain produces one chemical substance called "Endorphin" which functions like a tranquilizer to calm you down and creates energy. Acupuncture ELIMINATES your CRAVINGS for tobacco. The quit smoking program with acupuncture treatment utilizes special ear points for ADDICTION ELIMINATION. Healthy diet, exercise and Chinese herb / nutrition supplements are also prescribed to aid your transition into a healthier state.
- Is acupuncture safe for children? Yes! In some instances children actually respond more quickly than adults to treatments. If your child has an aversion to needles, we may massage the acupuncture points. This is called acupressure or tuina.
Do you accept Insurance? We accepte most Insurance Plans: ( KAISER, ASHP, HMO, PPO...., Student Insurance, Workermen's Compensation Insurance and Auto / Personal Injury Insurance.
Do you accept credit card ? Yes. We accept Visa and Master Card.
What do the initials “O.M.D.” and D.A.O.M.” stand for ? The initials O.M.D. stand for “Doctor of Oriental Medicine”, and D.A.O.M stand for “Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine”; these are academic titles (similar to Ph.D.). These titles may only be used by those licensed acupuncturists who possess an earned doctorate degree, from a California accredited, approved and/or authorized educational institute as set forth in Section 94760 of the California Education Code. These initials must be used in conjunction with the representation that the individual is a licensed acupuncturist as set forth in Business & Professions Code, Section 4927 and 4937, the California Code of Regulations, Title 16, Section 1399.456, and Attorney General Opinion No. 87-103 .
Our patients come from below Areas:
California, Southern California, Los Angeles, Riverside County, Orange County, Los Angeles County, Corona, Home Gardens, El Cerrito, Norco, Lake Mathews, Perris, Chino Hills, Chino, Mira Loma, Lake Elsinore, Ontario, Pomona, Wood Crest, Mira Loma, Moreno Valley, Yorba Linda, Diamond Bar, Rowland Heights, Placentia, Fullerton, Anaheim, Santa Ana, Murrieta, Temecula, Garden Grove, Westminster, Irvine, Lake Forest, Tustin and more, Dana Point, San Juan Capistrano, San Clemente, Aliso Viejo, Capistrano Beach, Newport Beach, Newport Coast, North Tustin, Costa Mesa, Orange, Laguna Hills, Laguna Woods, Laguna Beach, Laguna Niguel, Mission Viejo, Rancho Santa Margarita ,Villa Park, Foothill Ranch, Coto De Caza , Long Beach, .... More and Other States.